Category: Uncategorized
Did you know…..
The Commonwealth Seniors Health Card can give self-funded retirees who do not qualify for a government Age Pension or Department of Veteran Affairs payment the entitlements that others receive from the Pensioner Concession Card. The concessions and discounts that may be available include Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme discounts, cheaper out-of-hospital medical expenses, concessional rail travel and...
Can the Small Taxation Claims Tribunal help?
Now and then it may be the case that you will have legitimate reason to complain about how the Tax Office has dealt with your tax affairs, and of course you have every right to do so. But disputes about tax assessments do not always have to end up in a court or a major...
Small business CGT concessions, common errors
Small businesses may be eligible for various concessional treatments for transactions that involve capital gains tax (CGT), which can reduce, defer or even eliminate CGT payable (see separate story on page 4). But the Tax Office says that some common mistakes keep occurring on a regular basis in applying the tests for eligibility to the...
SMSF estate planning: Death benefit nominations
Establishing an SMSF is a clear sign that you know the importance of planning for the future. But one other important consideration is to make sure you also plan for “after” the future – that is, for the time beyond your own lifetime. With so much money tied up in superannuation, and more and more...
Minors and tax
Everyone who earns an income needs to pay tax, even teenagers – whether delivering papers, pizzas or working at the local supermarket. For minors (people under the age of 18) there are special tax rates that apply to any eligible income you earn. “Eligible” income includes any money you receive that you have not earned...
Financial advice: What’s deductible, what’s not
The cherry on top of your sensible decision to obtain quality tax planning or investment advice is to find that some of the costs involved are tax deductible. But while the tax law allows specific deductions for certain expenditures regarding your tax affairs, not all costs involved with seeking investment advice are deductible. Working out...
Common errors of new rental property owners
Putting your money into bricks and mortar has been a traditional stalwart of investing for generations of Australians. It continues to be viewed as a solid place to park spare cash and build wealth in the long term. For many years a lot of us seem to have heeded the quote attributed to Mark Twain:...
SMSFs: Note that trauma insurance is not allowed after July 1, 2014
From July 1, 2014, a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) can only provide an insured benefit for a member for an event that is consistent with one of the below conditions of release of a member’s superannuation benefits: death terminal medical condition permanent incapacity (causing the member to permanently cease working), or temporary incapacity (causing the...
What powers does the taxman have to access your information?
When it comes to collecting tax money owing, the Tax Office has considerable legal powers at its disposal. This isn’t all that surprising, given that government coffers would be empty were it not for the activities of its principal revenue collection agency. But just how far can the Tax Office go in its efforts to...
Did you know… The ATO wants your personal contact details
The Individual tax return 2014 for tax agents includes additional fields asking us to provide your email address and mobile phone number. The Tax Office states that this will enable it to directly contact you with any queries about your tax and superannuation affairs. Note however these fields are not mandatory, and can be left...