Category: Taxation
Small business energy incentive now open
The recently announced Small Business energy incentive is now open for business! The Energy Incentive will help up to 3.8 million small‑ and medium‑sized businesses save energy and save on their energy bills. The incentive is delivered by way of a bonus tax deduction which will provide businesses with annual turnover of less than $50 million an...
Work-related car expenses updated
The ATO has just announced that the cents per kilometre rate has increased to 85 cents per kilometre for 2023/24. To recap, there are two methods to claim work-related car expenses as follows: Cents per kilometre method This method is easier for record keeping, involves a more simple calculation, and is generally suited to those...
Small business lodgement amnesty
Since Budget night, the ATO has released more information around the small business lodgement amnesty…which can now be taken advantage of from 1 June 2023! The amnesty was announced in the recent Budget. It applies to tax obligations that were originally due between 1 December 2019 and 28 February 2022 and runs from 1 June 2023 to 31 December...
Do you have a side-hustle?
With the cost-of-living skyrocketing, have you taken up a side-hustle? With new and emerging ways to make money, the ATO is reminding taxpayers to consider if they are ‘in business’ and to declare to their tax agent if they are engaged in a sidehustle. Record numbers of taxpayers are now working multiple jobs or supplementing...
Generous depreciation in its final days
This month’s federal budget confirmed that temporary full expensing (TFE) is now in its final days. To recap, TFE will cease and be replaced by a $20,000 instant asset write-off (IAWO) from 1 July 2023. Under this change, small businesses (aggregated annual turnover of less than $10 million) will be able to immediately deduct the...
ATO Tax Time focus areas
With the end of the financial year on our doorstep, the ATO has announced its three key focus areas for 2022-23 Tax Time – rental property deductions, work-related expenses, and capital gains tax (CGT). To maximise your claims in this area and protect yourself from ATO audits and adjustments, be sure to keep the appropriate...
Trust Resolution Important Information
Prepare the Resolution to Distribute Income The Details: Trustees for discretionary trusts must resolve to distribute the income of the trust to eligible beneficiaries no later than the 30 June. The resolution formally documents in writing the decision of the trustee, determining which beneficiaries will receive the income of the trust and therefore pay tax...
Upcoming trust distribution strategies…the latest developments
If you run your business through a family trust, there’s some good news on the distribution front. In mid-April, the ATO responded to the landmark trust distribution case, namely the Guardian AIT appeal ruling in January by the Full Federal Court, with a decision impact statement that where the ATO concedes that it will have...
Financing motor vehicles
One of the most common decisions facing business is how to finance and account for the acquisition of a motor vehicle. There are numerous ways of doing so, with each resulting in differing accounting, taxation and GST treatment. Options How should you go about purchasing a vehicle? While it may seem a relatively straightforward question,...
How to claim an early tax deduction on SG contributions
Are you an employer who needs to make superannuation guarantee (SG) contributions for your employees? If so, it may be worthwhile bringing forward these SG contributions to before 1 July to benefit from a tax deduction this financial year. However the timing of when SG contributions are deductible to an employer can be tricky if...