Category: Taxation
BONUS Article; “Dividend washing” arrangements
The law contains an integrity measure to prevent sharemarket investors from engaging in “dividend washing”. Dividend washing results in two sets of franking credits being claimed on what is effectively the same parcel of shares in publicly listed companies. The arrangement being targeted by the government can be illustrated as follows: Investor X holds parcel...
BONUS Article; Immediate deduction for start-up costs
Certain start-up expenses, including costs associated with raising capital, that would otherwise be deductible over five years are immediately deductible (from July 1, 2015) where they are incurred by an SBE or an entity that is not in business. Before this date, business capital expenditure, including start-up expenses, was deductible over five years for all...
Life policy bonuses and tax
When a life insurance policy has been held by a taxpayer for 10 years or longer, reversionary bonuses received on that policy are generally tax-free. For policies held for less than 10 years, stipulated amounts are included in the taxpayer’s assessable income, and a tax offset is available. A bonus is not assessable income if...
Deductions for finance for a rental property
Interest can be claimed for the cost of funds borrowed to purchase a rental property and to meet maintenance costs or running expenses while the rental property is being let (or is available to be let) under a commercial arrangement to generate assessable income. In these circumstances the interest paid is deductible even if it...
Tax deductions specifically for SMSFs
One overarching fundamental that SMSF trustees should ideally keep in mind is the sole purpose test — that is, every decision made and action taken is required to be seen as being undertaken for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits for the fund’s members. If an SMSF trustee incurs an expense in the usual...
Child death benefit recipients and the transfer cap
The death of a parent is hard on all those involved, however once the grieving has eased, a time comes to address financial matters. One of these issues can be what happens to any superannuation they have left. Making things harder is the fact that the new transfer balance cap (TBC) brought in as of...
Travel allowances and proper use of the exception to substantiate claims
A travel allowance is a payment made to employees to cover accommodation, food, drink or incidental expenses they incur when they travel away from their home overnight in the course of their duties. In most circumstances, when claiming other deductions, you will be expected to be able to substantiate the expense being claimed with documentary...
BONUS Article; Employee share schemes and start-up concessions
Motivationally speaking, there’s not much that beats a financial reward. And as it is generally accepted that business owners are the most driven to see their business succeed, giving staff a real stake in an enterprise through owning shares in it is an incentive, and a reward, that many companies have utilised. Having a vested...
BONUS Article; Payment, or not? The operation of Division 7A
Division 7A is part of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and is intended to prevent profits or assets being provided to shareholders or their associates tax free. The operation of Division 7A A payment or other benefit provided by a private company to a shareholder (or their associate) can be treated by the ATO...
Substantiation for mobile, home phone and internet costs
The ATO has issued guidance on making claims for mobile phone use as well as home phone and internet expenses, and says that if you use any of these for work purposes you should be able to claim a deduction if there are records to support claims. But the ATO points out that use for...