Category: Taxation
Getting deductions for clothing and laundry expenses right
The ATO allows certain taxpayers to claim a deduction for the cost of buying and cleaning occupation-specific clothing, items of protective wear and for certain unique, and usually distinctive, uniforms. To claim a deduction it is generally expected that you will be able to provide evidence that you purchased the clothing concerned, and will have...
Avoid common mistakes in your business return, and include appropriate income
We know you want to get your tax right, so it may help you this tax time to know how to avoid making what the ATO has found are the most common tax mistakes. To do this make sure you have: declared all income, including cash and online sales, dividends, interest, capital gains or one-off...
Bonus Article, Checklist for employment-related tax deductions
Checklist for employment-related tax deductions This checklist contains a general list of general and specific employment-related deductions and should be used as a guide only. The results may vary depending on individual circumstances. The individual should also have the relevant written evidence where required. Also, how much of the expense is allowable as a tax...
Briefing a barrister
When you’re faced with a complex or high-risk question in tax or super, briefing a barrister can provide you with the expertise and perspective to help you move towards a solution with confidence. Barristers (who are also referred to as “counsel”) are independent specialists in court work and legal advice. There are specialist barristers...
New guidance on “personal services income” rules
The ATO has recently updated its guidance material on the operation of the personal services income (PSI) and personal service business (PSB) rules. These highly prescriptive rules took effect from the 2000-01 income year, after the government became concerned that the income tax base was being eroded through what it saw as an excessive incidence...
The tax treatment of cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrencies, once again surging in popularity, have a unique tax treatment that every taxpayer dealing with cryptocurrency should be aware of. It’s been more than 10-years since the advent of bitcoin and the term “cryptocurrency” entered the public consciousness. However, neither bitcoin nor the many thousands of cryptocurrencies that have followed have become widely...
Bonus Article, 5 tax tips for navigating the small business CGT concessions
1 AFFILIATES Remember your spouse and children’s birthdays…and that they are no longer automatically your affiliates. Whether a person is an “affiliate” is relevant in numerous small business CGT concession contexts, including when applying the maximum net asset value, small business and active asset tests. Therefore, it is important to remember that the definition of affiliate...
Dealing with excess before-tax super contributions
Making extra before-tax contributions into super (called concessional contributions) can help boost a person’s retirement savings. But fund members need to be aware of the implications for when they exceed the concessional contributions cap. Since 2013-14, when the excess concessional contributions refunding scheme came into effect, individuals exceeding their concessional contribution cap will accrue a...
EOFY tips for your tax plan
The financial year is almost over, but there are still effective strategies you may be able to put in place. The aim is to make sure you pay no more tax than you have to for the 2020-21 year and maximise any refunds you may be entitled to. This is still the case, if not...
Managing your superannuation transfer balance account
Most people think of retirement as a time to put your feet up and relax, but it can also be a time when pre-retirees and retirees alike actually need to flex the grey matter. With all the rules and regulations swirling around the superannuation sector these days, it’s not unusual for those nearing retirement to...