Category: Taxation
Further developments on trust distributions
For the many business owners who operate their affairs through discretionary trusts, there have been further developments on the ATO’s planned crackdown on certain distributions. Backstory To recap, the ATO in February updated its guidance around trust distributions made to adult children, corporate beneficiaries and entities that are carrying losses. Depending on the structure of...
Why super can help save for your retirement
Superannuation is an investment vehicle specifically designed to help you save for retirement – this is one of the key reasons why you should take an interest in your superannuation. Whether you’re employed, self-employed or even nearing retirement, it’s never too late to build up your superannuation to boost your retirement savings. Concessional tax environment...
Bonus Article, Transitioning to retirement
Thinking about easing into retirement and maintaining your lifestyle? The transition to retirement (TTR) strategy can help you achieve this and help you access some of your superannuation while you keep working. How the TTR strategy works If you’ve reached your preservation age (between 55 and 60) and are still working, setting up a TTR pension...
Bonus Article, Small business lifetime cap
Are you a small business owner selling your business or disposing of an active business asset? If so, did you know you might be able to disregard some or all of any capital gain by putting the proceeds into superannuation? Lifetime CGT cap If you are a small business owner and want to sell your...
Salary sacrificing to super
Are you an employee thinking of putting some of your pre-tax income into superannuation to boost your retirement savings? This is known as salary sacrifice, and the good news is that it can benefit you and your employer. What is salary sacrifice? An effective salary sacrifice agreement (SSA) involves you as an employee, agreeing in...
Ride Sharing – The Rider
This article on ride sharing examines the tax implications from a Rider’s perspective. Deduction The same principles apply as per taxi fares. Where the fare is business-related, for example you are travelling from your office to a client’s premises, the fare will be deductible in full. However, where the travel is personal the fare is...
Ridesharing – The Driver
Uber and other ride-sourcing facilitators have become increasingly popular over recent years. From a driver’s standpoint, there are a number of tax issues potentially in play. See the following article for the tax implications from a drivers perspective. Income Income from a driver’s ride-sourcing activities must be declared in their tax return irrespective of the...
ATO’s New Crackdown on Discretionary Trusts
The ATO has just updated its guidance around trust distributions made to adult children, corporate beneficiaries and entities that are carrying losses. Depending on the structure of these arrangements, there is a potential that the ATO may take an unfavourable view on what were previously understood to be legitimate arrangements. Background For many reasons, including...
Record keeping
Keeping good business records is important for a number of reasons. It assists you to: comply with your tax and superannuation obligations gain a greater insight into the financial health of your business, enabling you to make informed decisions manage your cashflow demonstrate your financial position to prospective lenders, and also potential buyers of your...
FBT Year-End Checklist
March 31 marks the end of the 2021/2022 fringe benefits tax (FBT) year which commenced 1 April 2021. It’s time now for employers and their advisors to turn their attention to instances where non-cash benefits have been provided to employees, and also where private expenses have been paid on their behalf. Although it will generally...