Category: Small Business
Hiring employees
With unemployment at historic lows, workers are in demand and are also switching jobs at record rates. There are a range of issues employers should be aware of when hiring. Know the law Before hiring a new employee, make sure you know your rights and responsibilities. The minimum terms and conditions of employment come from...
GST Health Check
Now that the financial year has come to a close, it’s good time to check all things GST. Registration If you are not already registered, you may over the coming period need to register for GST if: your business or enterprise begins to have a GST turnover of $75,000 or more per year (gross income...
Bonus Article, What happens to your super in the event of bankruptcy?
Are you a small business owner or work in a profession where you are open to being sued? If so, have you thought about what might happen to your superannuation should your circumstances change and you become bankrupt? The risk of bankruptcy Self-employed people, company directors and ‘at risk’ professionals such as doctors, dentists, accountants,...
Bonus Article, Dealing With Late Payers
Cashflow is one of the biggest killers of small business. One of the major contributors to this is bad debtors – customers who have obtained goods or services from you but are late with their payment. Following are some tips to manage your debtors. Follow-ups/reminders To remind customers of when to pay, you firstly need...
STP year-end finalisations … due soon!
Employers need to make STP finalisation declarations by 14 July each year. As your registered agent, we can assist you in this important, upcoming process. If you have 20 or more employees, you should be reporting closely-held (related) payees each pay day along with arms-length employees. The finalisation due date for closely-held payees is 30...
ATO tax time focus for small business
The ATO has released a tax time tool kit to assist businesses and us as your tax advisor to nail your 2021/22 business tax return. The ATO has also flagged what it will be focusing on for small business tax returns for 2021–22: deductions that are private in nature and not related to business income,...
Super guarantee rises to 10.5%
The increase to the superannuation guarantee (SG) rate from 1 July 2022 will see more employees (and certain contractors) entitled to additional SG contributions on their pay. But what happens when income earned before 30 June is paid after 30 June 2022 – will employees be entitled to the higher SG rate of 10.5%? SG...
Bonus Article, Reimbursement versus Allowances
According to the ATO, the treatment of allowances is one of the most misunderstood areas of payroll. Whether it be misclassifying an amount as an allowance (when it’s actually a reimbursement) or applying the incorrect Payment Summary treatment, PAYG withholding, superannuation or payroll tax treatment, mistakes in this area are easy to make. The distinction...
2022 Election Washup
Following the election of the new Labor federal Government on 21 May, there are a number of tax and superannuation proposals that they have announced or existing measures they have committed to that may impact you and your business moving forward. Some of course are subject to the passage of enabling legislation through the new...
Bonus Article, Extra deductions for staff training
One of the key features of the recent federal budget handed down by the government was a proposal for extra deductions for employers for expenditure incurred in training their staff. Let’s take a closer look. Proposal Small businesses with an aggregated annual turnover of less than $50 million will be able to deduct an additional 20%...