Super contributions and problems of excess
The treatment of excess superannuation contributions has been a contentious issue for some years, with many people falling victim to the punishing excess contributions tax through inadvertently going over the limits. The reasons this can happen include an employer making contributions that may fall within a different financial year, expense reimbursement or debt forgiveness which...
Christmas cheer – with no FBT fear
With the year steadily making its way towards the festive period, businesses that are turning their attention to end-of-year celebrations will need to keep in mind the tax implications of throwing a Christmas party or handing over gifts to staff. Of course there’s nothing wrong with getting into the yuletide spirit, but business owners should...
What you need to know about volunteering & tax
The worryingly early start to Australia’s bushfire season in New South Wales means scores of local volunteers are standing on the frontline, battling and protecting residents from the devastating fires. This raises the important practical question – do payments to volunteers constitute assessable income and are their expenses tax deductible? There is no legal definition...
Top 10 SMSF compliance mistakes
The Tax Office has published a list of the top 10 types of compliance mistakes made by SMSF trustees. The data from which the list is taken is based on the type of contraventions reported by approved SMSF auditors since 2005 (when compulsory contravention reporting started) up to June 30, 2012. The top 10 contravention...
Five tips to avoid common fuel tax credit mistakes
The Tax Office has issued advice regarding fuel tax credits after it noticed some errors creeping into recent activity statements — also reminding businesses that rates can change regularly (and have done so recently) and that this can be a common source of the mistakes being made. For those businesses eligible to claim fuel tax...
Beware, non-lodging SMSFs
Word on the street is that the Tax Office has taken additional steps to engage with self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) trustees to bring their lodgement obligations up-to-date. Over the past few months, the Tax Office has been writing directly to SMSF trustees with two or more lodgement obligations overdue, advising them that they will remove...
Tax Office reviewing dependant tax offset claims
dependant tax offset claims The Tax Office has stopped all tax returns with a Dependant (Invalid and Carer) Tax Offset claim and is reviewing them, following an unexpected upsurge in the number of individuals that have made claims for the new tax offset. The new Dependant (Invalid and Carer) Tax Offset is only available to...
Carry-forward tax losses
Got a carry-forward tax loss burning a hole in your business’s pocket? Don’t get too creative if you’ve thought how handy it would be to absorb that loss as a tax deduction for a future income year. Tax law has measures in place to ensure such deductions are limited to those businesses that are legitimately...
Has the ATO made a wrong call on your tax assessment? Here’s what to do
If you believe your tax assessment is incorrect, the first step should be to go over your tax return or activity statement to check details against your notice of assessment. If you still believe the assessment is wrong, or if you have extra information that may change it, an amendment can be sought from the...
Trusts 101: What are they, and how do they work?
One of the big motivations for considering using a trust will be to protect assets. Property and other assets can be moved into a trust for protection from creditors, to maintain an estate until a beneficiary becomes old enough to have legal possession, or isolate valuable assets from a trading company that may be more...