Your sharemarket portfolio and tax
There’s a warning that sharemarket investors will hear at least once in their lives in some form or other – base decisions on investment merit, not on trying to save tax. It’s a maxim that has been put a more colourful way: Don’t let the tax tail wag the investment dog. Wise words; but don’t...
Vendor guide on GST treatment of residential premises
It is typical for people to consider stamp duty, land tax and income tax implications when they sell a property, but remember that it is equally important to consider whether the transaction will be subject to goods and services tax (GST). One important thing to remember is that there is now a single test that...
Car expenses – a very popular deduction, but you’ve got to get it right
Each year, the Tax Office reports that work-related expenses are the most common type of tax deduction claimed, and it also reports that one of the most popular of work-related claims is for vehicle expenses. Vehicle expenses are a very regulated area for claiming deductions, so good guidance on making car expense claims is essential...
FBT – fears, cheers and changes
The current FBT year is just wrapping up, and it has been a period of potential turmoil with the proposal to scrap the statutory formula method for calculating car benefits. However not long after this landed on the legislative table it was swept off it again by the current government. So the status quo remains...
Court decision on trade incentive payments could have far-reaching GST consequences
A recent decision by the Full Federal Court dealt with the goods and services tax (GST) treatment of four types of manufacturer incentive payments made to a car dealership. However the decision, and the Tax Office’s response, is likely to have an impact in the wider market, not just in the motor vehicle dealership industry....
Loan interest can be deductible to a partnership
A general law partnership is formed when two or more people (and up to, but no more than, 20 people) go into business together. Partnerships are generally set up so that all partners are equally responsible for the management of the business, but each also has liability for the debts that business may incur. Partnership...
New SMSF penalty regime to kick in on July 1, 2014
Did you know you may have to fork out $10,200 if you lend money to a fellow self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) member or a relative who is in dire need of some financial assistance? Or $1,700 for a breach as minor as failing to keep adequate records? The countdown is on, with only around four...
Private health insurance rebate: FAQs
By now, most people would know that the private health insurance rebate is being income-tested – effectively meaning that if you have private health insurance, the rebate you are entitled to receive depends on your annual income, your age and the number of dependent children you have. The table on page 2 summarises the thresholds,...
Senior Australians and Pensioner Tax Offset explained
After working (and paying taxes) for most of your life, it can be a good feeling to get to that stage of your life where it’s time to get some pay-back from the taxman. Your golden years can be given an extra glow by claiming the Senior Australians and Pensioner Tax Offset (SAPTO), if you...
Timely tip for SMSFs: Audit your fund before annual return deadline
Many of you may just be getting back into your regular routine, but one thing to take note of if you are a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) trustee is that the 2012-13 SMSF annual return deadline is fast approaching. Lodgement dates For the 2012-13 annual return, the deadline for SMSFs that are wise enough to...