SMSFs and property development projects
The ATO continues to see instances in which closely held groups seek to inappropriately divert profits to a related SMSF to access concessional tax rates. Taxpayer Alert TA 2023/2 outlines the ATO’s concerns with arrangements that it has recently identified in which the profits of a property development enterprise are diverted to a related SMSF through the...
Costs of a caravan/motor home for work-related travel
SCENARIO: I run a small business that requires me to travel quite a lot, particularly to country areas where I will often stay overnight. To save on accommodation costs, I have purchased a caravan. I have a business logo on the side of the caravan that is on display when I attend town shows and...
Appointing an SMSF auditor
Early last month, the ATO issued a reminder around auditors. If you have an SMSF, you need to appoint an approved SMSF auditor for each income year, no later than 45 days before you need to lodge your SMSF annual return (SAR). Your SMSF’s audit must be finalised before you lodge, as you’ll need some information from the audit...
Discounting your capital gain
The capital gains tax (CGT) discount can reduce by 50% a capital gain that you make when you dispose of (sell) a CGT asset that you have owned for 12 months or more. However, the discount is only available to: individuals (but not foreign or temporary residents) complying superannuation funds (33% discount applies, not 50%)...
Avoid schemes targeting SMSFs
Sometimes promoters of schemes target self-managed super funds (SMSFs). Schemes can include tax avoidance arrangements that inappropriately channel money or assets into your SMSF so you pay less tax. They may also include arrangements promoting the illegal early release of benefits from your fund for personal use. To assist you with identifying schemes that may...
Self-education, when is it deductible?
There is no specific provision in the income tax legislation that allows a deduction for self-education expenses. Rather the expenditure falls for consideration under the general deductibility provision of Tax Act. In broad terms this allows for, but also limits, deductible expenses to those incurred in the course of earning assessable income. This requires a...
Thought of registering a trademark for your new business?
The ATO has issued a reminder around trademarks! For background, a trademark legally protects your brand and helps customers distinguish your products or services in the market from others. Trademarks can be used to protect a logo, phrase, word, letter, colour, sound, smell, picture, movement, aspect of packaging or any combination of these. In short,...
Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter September 2023
Access our Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter September 2023 below: Wallace Partners CIN September 2023
Superannuation and age pension eligibility
Superannuation and age pension eligibility Come retirement, many folks rely on a combination of their superannuation savings and the age pension in order to financially sustain them moving forward. Accordingly, a front-of-mind issue for individuals is: at what point does your level of superannuation savings and payments impact your eligibility for the age pension? While...
Personal Property Securities Register
Personal Property Securities Register Are you aware of the personal property securities register? What is it? The personal property securities register (more commonly known as the PPSR) is an official government register. It’s effectively a public noticeboard of *security interests in **personal property that is managed by the Registrar of Personal Property Securities. *security interests...