Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter March 2018
Access the Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter March 2018 below: Wallace Partners CIN March 2018
Bonus Article, Having fun AND making money. But is it a business or a hobby?
It may seem fairly obvious whether a person is in business or not, but the distinction can be important for other reasons. Your client may be having fun AND making money. But is it a business or a hobby? For example, if you are not carrying on a business, the option to deduct losses from...
ATO spells out its big FBT concerns
March 31 and the end of the FBT year is around the corner, so to help taxpayers get things right, the ATO has made public the fringe benefits tax issues that attract its attention. Broadly (not just in relation to FBT), the ATO says the following behaviours and characteristics tend to raise a red flag:...
Can an SMSF invest in property development?
The ATO has been sending some mixed messages about property development involving an SMSF, and has indicated that it is one of the issues on its radar for 2018. So is property development an allowable investment for an SMSF? The short answer yes, but be careful. A longer answer is be very careful — it...
Expanding the empire (and retaining the CGT main residence exemption)
A question that surfaces now and then in regard to capital gains is whether the main residence exemption extends to additional land acquired after the time of acquisition of the residence. The short answer is yes — provided that certain requirements are met. It should also be noted that where the exemption applies upon satisfaction...
When refinancing, loan interest can be deductible to a partnership
A general law partnership is formed when two or more people (and up to, but no more than, 20 people) go into business together. Partnerships are generally set up so that all partners are equally responsible for the management of the business, but each also has liability for the debts that business may incur. Partnership deduction...
Rental property owners lose some deductions
Legislation that came into law in the last half of 2017 makes certain measures first announced with the 2017 Federal Budget now a reality. The “housing tax integrity” bill solidifies the government’s intention to deny all travel deductions relating to inspecting, maintaining, or collecting rent for a residential investment property. As well, second-hand plant and...
Key factors for rescuing a bad debt deduction
It is very often the case that unpaid debts owed to a business can have a significant impact on cash flow and the ongoing profitability of a business. In a taxation context the characterisation of a particular debt as either “doubtful” or “bad” is key as to whether or not the writing off of that...
Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter February 2018
Access the Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter February 2018 below: Wallace Partners CIN February 2018
Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter December 2017
Access the Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter December 2017 below: Wallace Partners CIN December 2017