Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter June 2018
Access the Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter June 2018 below: Wallace Partners CIN June 2018
Action Required for Discretionary Trusts: Resolution to Distribute Income due 30 June 2018
Click here to access instructions and checklist : Resolution-to-distribute-income-trust-minute checklist – 2018 Action Required for Discretionary Trusts: Resolution to Distribute Income We are reminding you that the Trustee(s) for discretionary trusts must resolve to distribute the income of the trust no later than the 30th June, 2018. The resolution formally documents in writing the decision...
How testamentary trusts work
A testamentary trust works in tandem with a will, and is similar to a discretionary trust, with the major difference being it only takes effect upon the death of the person who made the will. The trust can be funded by some or by all of your assets, and by payments derived as a consequence...
2-minute quiz: Business deductions
How well do you know your business deductions? Try these questions to find out! QUESTION 1 A company’s financial accounts show the following information in relation to its bad debts and doubtful debts for the year: Closing balance for doubtful debts from the previous year – $172,000; Doubtful debts provided for (but not written off)...
Superannuation contributions ‘work test’ for over 65s
Whether or not the trustee of a complying superannuation fund can accept member contributions for those aged between 65 and 75 depends on the member satisfying the “work test”. The work test requires a member to have been gainfully employed for at least 40 hours in a period of not more than 30 consecutive days...
Interest deductibility after income-producing activity ceases
An issue that sometimes arises for business owners is whether interest expenses incurred on borrowed funds used in a business remain deductible after the business’s income earning activities have ceased. As a general rule, in order for interest expenses to be deductible in the relevant income year, a taxpayer is generally required to demonstrate that...
Franchise businesses and tax
The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) is the government body responsible for enforcing the Franchising Code of Conduct, and if you or someone you know are considering entering into a franchise arrangement, this will probably be a good starting point to get an idea of what to expect. It imposes strict obligations on franchisors...
Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter May 2018
Access the Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter April 2018 below: Wallace Partners CIN May 2018
Wallace Partners Federal Budget Newsletter May 2018
Please click the link below to view our Federal Budget Newsletter Federal Budget May 2018
Bonus Article, Crackdown on “other” work related expenses, and inquiry into tax deductibility
It seems that the ATO will be taking a dim view (or dimmer, this year) of the abuse of work related expense claims for individual taxpayers. The total value of such claims rose to a record $21.2 billion in 2017, and reports contend that the ATO is concerned about over-claiming and even outright fraud. ATO...