Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter August 2019
Access our Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter July 2019 below: Wallace Partners CIN August 2019
Bonus Article, If you think the ATO got it wrong, here’s what you can do
You are allowed to take issue with the ATO if it disagrees with your self-assessment of your tax position. If you believe the ATO’s assessment is incorrect, the first step is straight forward and fairly informal. You contact us and we start making inquiries. If it still seems the assessment is wrong, or if you...
Bonus Article, ATO expects many laundry claims will be hung out to dry
This tax time, the ATO, as usual, has nominated some tax claim hot spots that it will be paying attention to — and which you should approach with caution when claiming these deductions. For example, the ATO has already flagged that it will be checking returns for taxpayers who take advantage of the exemption from...
Businesses get increased access to losses
In the first quarter of this calendar year, legislation was passed that will supplement the ATO’s current “same business test” for losses with a more flexible “similar business test”. The new test will expand access to past year losses when companies enter into new transactions or business activities. The similar business test allows a company...
Event-based reporting mistakes lead to more SMSF audits
In the year since event-based reporting (EBR) started for SMSFs (from 1 July 2018) the ATO says an unprecedented number of transfer balance cap reports have required re-reporting. The transfer balance account report (TBAR) is used to report certain events and is separate from the SMSF annual return. The TBAR enables the ATO to record...
Business trading structures: What’s best for your business?
When you have plans for starting a new business, one of the central decisions is which business trading structure will work best for your venture. The general problem however can be that there are both pros and cons with the main options available, so considerations need to be given with regard to the overall situation...
Carrying forward concessional super contributions
The income year of 2019-20 has just ticked over, which is also the first year in which an individual is able to make additional catch-up contributions to super through the application of unused concessional (before tax) contributions. These are “unused” if the fund member made less than the legislated cap on such contributions, which was...
Penalty interest can be deductible, under specific conditions
A new ruling has been released by the ATO on the deductibility or otherwise of “penalty interest”. The term penalty interest refers to an amount payable by a borrower under a loan agreement when the lender agrees to an early repayment of a loan. The amount payable is commonly calculated by reference to the number...
Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter July 2019
Access our Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter July 2019 below; Wallace Partners CIN July 2019
Bonus Article, Regulatory Roundup June 2019
EOFY last-minute tax planning tactics for individuals This financial year is almost over, but there are still tactics you may be able to employ to make sure you pay the right amount of tax for the 2018-19 year. While the best strategies are adopted in July (that is, as early as possible in a financial...