Tax and the kids’ savings
If a child is under the age of 18, and they earn income on their savings account, remember that the ATO considers that the person who “owns” the interest depends on who uses the funds of that account (no matter what type of account it is or the name of the account holder). You need...
Property development and tax
The ATO seems to be always looking over the shoulder of property developers to make sure they are complying with their tax obligations. The considerations facing the ATO are many and varied, but can include topics such as whether an agreement to develop and sell land is a “mere realisation” or a disposal either in...
Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter September 2019
Access our Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter September 2019 below: Wallace Partners CIN September 2019
Fleet “safe harbour” approach for car fringe benefits
The ATO, after consultation and collaboration with business taxpayers and industry representatives, has developed what it calls a “safe harbour” mechanism for calculating car fringe benefits under the operating cost method. In ATO parlance, a safe harbour is a guideline that allows taxpayers to make use of a simplified and efficient way to calculate their...
Bonus Article, Tax rates for deceased estates
The tax rates that apply to income a deceased estate declares depend on the period of time after the person’s death. First three income years For the first three income years, the deceased estate income is taxed at individual income tax rates, with the benefit of the full tax-free threshold, but without the tax offsets...
The small business income tax offset
The small business income tax offset (also known as the unincorporated small business tax discount) can reduce the tax a sole trader business pays by up to $1,000 each year. The offset is worked out on the proportion of tax payable on business income. To be eligible, a taxpayer must be carrying on a small business...
Small businesses need to get “active” to pay less tax
For small business owners who are disposing of assets that have risen in value during the time they have owned and used them in their business, accessing one or more of the available small business capital gains tax (CGT) concessions can greatly reduce any consequent tax liability. Indeed, many small business owners find they can...
Keeping busy! but is it just a hobby, or are you in business?
It is important to understand the differences between a hobby and a business for tax, insurance and legal purposes among other things. For one thing, there will be certain tax and other obligations that start once you are in business. However it’s a myth that there is a dollar threshold to be in a business...
What you need to know about trust distribution resolutions
An essential starting point for consideration of trust income and how that income is to be distributed is to look at the trust deed. This very central document sets out the rules and expectations for the governance and operation of the trust and the powers that can be exercised by the trustee. Although it can...
Tax when you’re headed overseas
Most people’s “to-do” list when they are planning a trip overseas will likely include items such as travel insurance, phone chargers or taking photos of their passport — but probably the last thing on anyone’s minds will be their likely tax situation before, during or after that trip-of-a-lifetime. However a few simple considerations, taken in...