Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter December 2019
Access our Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter December 2019 below: Wallace Partners CIN December 2019
The ATO has announced it is cleaning out its ABN cache
Not keeping lodgements current or missing reporting deadlines are some of the key indicators to the ATO that a business may no longer be operational. It says it uses information from tax returns, other lodgement activities and even from third parties to help it decide whether ABNs are still being used. The ATO has announced...
Three wise FBT tips for Christmas
Employers know that popping a champagne cork or two to celebrate the festive season lets staff know their efforts are appreciated, but the well-prepared business owner will also know that a little tax planning can help ensure that it’s not the business that ends up with the FBT hangover. Three benefits generally provided for the...
Small business: Low-cost assets and the threshold rule
There is a rule in the tax law that allows a business that doesn’t use simplified depreciation to claim an immediate deduction for most business expenditure of $100 or less to buy tangible assets. Known as the threshold rule, this can help small business owners save time as well, because you don’t need to decide...
An SMSF trustee duty not to be forgotten: The investment strategy
The majority of people who set up their own SMSF say that “control” is a big reason for doing it. There is flexibility and benefits in running your own superannuation fund, but it is also a big responsibility to make sure your fund grows and provides for your retirement. Preparing an “investment strategy” is one...
Super downsizer scheme common errors
The super downsizer scheme started on 1 July 2018 and has allowed older Australians to sell their homes and contribute up to $300,000 of the proceeds from the sale into super. Recent figures from the ATO show that more than 5,000 people Australia-wide have made this type of contribution, with 55% being made by females. You...
Lost or destroyed tax records? Don’t panic
Now and then, taxpayers may find themselves in a situation where they simply have no records to back up a tax claim. There can be many reasons for this, such as losing documents when moving home (either paper or electronic), or technology failures that end up with the same result (or at worst even destroy...
Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter November 2019
Access our Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter November 2019 below: Wallace Partners CIN November 2019
Bonus Article, Regulatory Roundup October 2019
High Court confirms Full Federal Court’s Harding tax residency ruling The ATO’s application for special leave in the residency matter of Harding v Commissioner of Taxation has been refused by Australia’s High Court. This means the decision of the Full Federal Court (FFC) holds, which essentially provides a wider interpretation of the meaning of “permanent...
Bonus Article, Asbestos removal, even testing, may be deductible
There is a taxation ruling (in draft form at the moment) that spells out when a rental or commercial property owner may be able to claim a deduction relating to expenditure incurred by activities undertaken to deal with pollution issues and other environmental protection purposes. The ruling, TR 2019/D3, does not define “pollution”, which therefore...