Optus data breach
Following a recent cyber-attack, Optus customers are advised they could be at risk of identity theft. While Optus has not yet revealed how many of its 9.7million customers were impacted, they did confirm that the number was “significant”. Importantly, the breach has affected past Optus customers back to 2017, as well as current customers. Customers...
Bridging the super gender gap
Fresh statistics released by the ATO reveal that the superannuation gender cap is very real. While the average super balance for a man is $161,834, for a woman it’s $129,506 – a massive 25% difference. This gender gap begins in peoples’ twenties, mostly caused by wage differences and time off for children, and by their...
Director identification numbers, time is running out
All existing directors of a company, registered Australian body, registered foreign company, or a director of corporate trustees of an SMSF are required to apply for a director identification number (director ID) by 30 November 2022…so act now! If you are a director of an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander corporation (CATSI), you have an...
Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter October 2022
Access our Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter October 2022 below: Wallace Partners CIN October 2022
Bonus Article, Employee or contractor?
Do you run a business and have or are thinking about hiring workers? If so, it’s important to understand the difference between contractors and employees, as you have different tax and superannuation responsibilities depending on the status of the worker. What’s the difference between contractors and employees? Generally speaking, an employee works in your business...
Bonus Article, ATO payment arrangements
Circumstances will sometimes get in the way of your ability to pay a personal or business tax debt on time. If this is the case, it is vital to go on the front foot and put a payment arrangement in place with the ATO. For larger business debts, this is now more important than ever...
Insurance: Inside or outside super?
Most people insure their personal assets, such as their house, contents and car, but when it comes to personal insurance, many overlook the importance of protecting their wealth because personal insurance is often seen as unnecessary, a luxury and an additional cost to pay for. Unfortunately, we don’t know what’s around the corner but having...
Estate Planning Explained
Estate Planning means different things to different people. Ultimately, it is about ensuring that you have the right mechanisms in place to ensure that in the event of your death, your assets pass in the manner you intend. Broadly speaking, there are four key steps in the estate planning process: Firstly, identify which assets are...
eInvoicing: Save time and money
The ATO is anticipating a significant upward spike in the number of businesses using eInvoicing over the coming 12 months. Already, more than 18,000 businesses are using eInvoicing to make their transactions faster, simpler and more secure. eInvoicing is the new, standardised way to send and receive electronic invoices directly in software, via a secure...
Super funds post lowest returns since GFC
Superannuation funds have recorded their worst performance since the global financial crisis, with the median balanced superannuation fund ending the 2021/22 financial year down 3.3% due to global market instability. This result is the third lowest return since the introduction of superannuation guarantee in 1992. So, what are your options if your superannuation balance has...