Author: Sarah Wallace
Cashflow Forecasts
Now more than ever businesses should consider preparing cashflow forecasts. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, half of all small to medium businesses fail in the first three years of operation. The Australian Securities and Investment Commission states that poor cash flow is cited as a factor in 40% of business failures. Indeed, as...
Employee Allowances
Do your employees travel for work? The ATO has issued new guidance to help employers determine whether to pay employees a travel allowance or a living-away-from-home allowance (LAFHA). There are some key differences between the treatment of the two types of payments: A travel allowance will generally need to be included in your employee’s assessable...
In-specie super contributions
Most contributions to a SMSF are made in cash, but did you know you can also contribute certain assets to your fund too? These types of contributions are called “in-specie” contributions and may be a good alternative to consider if you don’t have available cash on hand and want to make a contribution to super....
Paying employees super through a super clearing house
If you’re a small business owner, you’ll know that you’re required to pay your employees (and certain contractors) superannuation guarantee (SG) in addition to their salary or wages. But how do you pay your SG contributions in a simple and effective way? The answer is through a superannuation clearing house (SCH). What is a SCH?...
On-boarding new employees
With Australia now opening back up after the COVID restrictions, unemployment is tipped to fall to the lowest rate in just over 50 years – down to under 4%. If over the coming period you hire new staff, there are certain steps you should follow to cover off on your tax, workplace, and superannuation obligations....
Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter March 2022
Access our Wallace Partners Client Information Newsletter March 2022 below: Wallace Partners CIN March 2022
Bonus Article, Benefits of a corporate trustee structure for your SMSF
Thinking about setting up an SMSF? Or do you already have an SMSF with an individual trustee structure? If so, now might be the time to consider adopting a corporate trustee structure for your fund. With over 60% of all SMSFs having a corporate trustee structure, there are many benefits in setting up a company to...
Bonus Articles, Tax and Property Price Increases
With residential property values on a sharp upward trajectory, from a tax standpoint, what does this mean for owners and investors of this style of dwelling? Introduction Domain’s End of Year Wrap revealed that in 2021, Australian house prices rose an astonishing 21.9%, the fastest annual rate of growth on record! Viewed through a taxation...
Your Business Structure
At the start of each year, business owners typically review their affairs, including at times their trading structure. Others may be going into business and choosing their initial structure. There are four main business structures – sole trader, company, trust, and partnership (or a combination of these). Sole trader This is how many businesses commence....
Topping up your concessional contributions
Thinking about making up for lost time and making extra contributions to top up your super? The good news is that the “catch-up” concessional contribution (CC) rules can help individuals who feel they have missed out on building their retirement savings to make extra before-tax contributions. Remember, CCs can include super guarantee contributions from your...